Hi, I’m Ashley Barron

Pediatric Sleep Consultant & Safe Sleep Ambassador based in Perrysburg, Ohio.

Meet Ashley

I am a mother of a toddler named Georgia and am currently pregnant with my second daughter due in early 2023. I was born and raised in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada and moved to NorthWest Ohio in 2018 to marry my super supportive husband, Will. We share our home with our two spirited rescue dogs, Luca and Letti.

I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in social sciences from the University of Toronto and spent over 10 years as a corporate investigator. It is in my blood to find and solve problems, and as new parent, this skill set has certainly served me well.

Sleep was my first major battle in motherhood. As a brand-new mother (and expat) during the isolation of the pre-vaccine Covid era, I had my work cut out for me without the benefit of ‘a village.’ My husband leads a very busy job as a clinical psychologist, so we decided to prioritize his nighttime sleep so he could function during the day with his clients. It was very much trial by fire, as Georgia was not naturally blessed with the gift of sleep. She gave me a total of 45 minutes of broken sleep for the first two months of her life. I felt like I had to choose between being rested through unsafe sleep practices, or, being safe but torturously sleep deprived. I am thrilled to say I chose the latter, however the grueling experience made me so committed to a life of restorative sleep for all of us that it quickly became an obsession. Georgia is now the best sleeper I know (she puts me to shame!) and even points to her crib when she feels sleep is drawing near.

I am a staunch believer that independent sleep is a skill to be taught; a gift you can give your child from an early age, which will continue to reap dividends for them for the rest of their lives. I have devoured all the books on the market for improving baby sleep, but when it came down to it, having a specialist I could talk to about my specific child, someone to launch all my ‘crazy, 3 am’ questions at, made all the difference.

Even if it feels like your child’s sleep situation is beyond hope, you are not alone. I know we can get you back the sleep you so desperately deserve. I am so excited to begin this journey with you.

Ashley with her family