Serving Northwest Ohio on location and Virtually Worldwide

Professional Pediatric Sleep Consultant

I help babies, children AND parents get the sleep they need.

If you are an exhausted parent who feels alone in their child’s bedtime struggles, I have the tools to help. With our pediatrician-trusted, completely customizable, step-by-step plan, your child can, and will, learn to sleep through the night.

Specialized Sleep Services

A solution for everyone’s needs. Because everyone deserves a good night’s sleep.

Prenatal & Newborn

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Infant & Child

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Your questions answered:


How much crying will be involved?

A: The number one question I am asked involves crying, and the infamous ‘Cry It Out’ (CIO) method. Crying is one way your child can protest change, so as you can imagine, any change to a set routine will encounter some level of protest. However, I will never ask you to leave your child to cry alone, nor will I suggest you ignore their cries. We will develop a plan for your child based on your own comfort level. If you feel comfortable and confident, your child will feel secure despite the change.